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Monday, March 2, 2009

Star-Spangled Quilt Cake

Star-Spangled Quilt Cake


    • 1 box (18.25) cake mix, any flavor
    • 11⁄2 cans (16 oz each) fluffy white frosting
    • Red and blue paste food color
    • 1⁄2 to 2⁄3 cup confectioners’ sugar
    • Cornstarch
    • 1 rectangular cookie (such as Social Tea)
    • Tiny white star candies
    • Four 31⁄2-in. and three 51⁄2-in.-long strands (strings) cherry Pull-n-Peel Twizzlers (see Note)
    • 9 each small, round blue and red candies
    • You also need: 1 qt-size plastic ziptop bag and a 2-in. star-shape cookie cutter


1. Prepare cake mix and bake as pkg directs in a 13 x 9-in. pan. Cool in pan on a wire rack 10 minutes before inverting on rack to cool completely.

2. Color frosting as follows: Tint 3⁄4 cup red and 3⁄4 cup blue. Spoon 2 Tbsp red frosting (see Tip) and 2 Tbsp white into separate small bowls. Spoon remaining red frosting into the plastic bag; seal bag. Knead 1⁄4 cup confectioners’ sugar into frosting in each bowl until a claylike dough forms, kneading in more sugar if dough is sticky. Wrap airtight in plastic wrap.

3. Lightly dust work surface and rolling pin with cornstarch. Roll doughs to about 1⁄8 in. thick. Using star cutter, cut out 5 red and 5 white stars. Press and reroll scraps (stars may crack when moved to the cake, so make extra). Transfer to cornstarch-dusted foil. Let set uncovered at room temperature overnight.

4. Melt 1 Tbsp blue frosting in microwave; spread on flat side of cookie and immediately add tiny white stars (use tweezers or the end of a toothpick dipped in water).

5. Score top of cake with a toothpick or skewer into 12 even rectangles (3 rows crosswise, 4 lengthwise).

6. To frost cake: Using photo as a guide, spread white frosting on 2 rectangles in center of cake, then carefully spread blue and white frosting in alternating rectangles and on sides. Place frosted cookie in upper left corner of center rectangle. Evenly space Pull-n-Peel strands in place for stripes.

7. Snip tiny tip off corner of bag with red frosting. Use some of the frosting to pipe zigzag stitching lines between rectangles and around top edge of cake. Press a round candy in each corner, alternating colors. Snip 1⁄4 in. more off corner of bag; pipe beads around base of cake.

8. Press alternating white and red stars in rectangles around flag.

NOTE The Pull-n-Peel Twizzler strands are for the flag’s stripes. If you can pipe straight lines, omit the strands, tint extra frosting red and pipe the stripes before piping the zigzag stitching lines.

TIP Tint the red frosting in the bowl somewhat darker than the shade you want, so when the confectioners’ sugar is added the red will remain vibrant for the Stars.

Planning Tip: The cutout stars can be stored, loosely covered, at room temperature up to 1 week. The cake can be decorated up to 1 day ahead. Store loosely covered at room temperature.

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